

Since 2020, I am associate professor at the University of Nice Côte d'Azur. I teach at the IUT Informatique and conduct my research activities as a member of the Kairos (I3S/INRIA) group.

Before, I was Senior researcher at SINTEF Digital (Oslo, Norway), in the Secure IoT Software (SIS) group. I mainly worked in the context of EU and NRC research projects. In particular, I was the technical manager of the ENACT H2020 (780351) et Fleet (NRC) projects.

My journey started in 2008, during my PhD, where I investigated mechanisms for Context-based Dynamic Adapation in Ubiquitous Computing with Logical and Temporal Properties

I am particularly interested in the following research topics applied to the IoT, CPS, and Cloud domains:

  • Model-Driven Engineering (including models@runtime)
  • Domain specific modelling languages
  • Dynamic adaptation of Component- and Service-based applications
  • Adaptation des applications au contexte
  • Adaptation à l'aide de models@runtime
  • Continuous deployment et DevOps

Keywords: MDE, Adaptation, DSL, Contexte, auto-adaptation, IoT, Cloud Computing, trustworthiness, models@runtime.


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Several papers are available for download. By following these links you agree to respect the copyrights of the papers. The papers obtained from this Web page are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

International Book Chapters

  1. [2021] "Introduction"
    Erkuden Rios, Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Andreas Metzger
    Book Chapter in Nicolas Ferry (ed.), Hui Song (ed.), Andreas Metzger (ed.), Erkuden Rios (ed.), "DevOps for Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems", Boston-Delft: now publishers,
  2. [2021] "The ENACT approach"
    Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Erkuden Rios, Andreas Metzger
    Book Chapter in Nicolas Ferry (ed.), Hui Song (ed.), Andreas Metzger (ed.), Erkuden Rios (ed.), "DevOps for Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems", Boston-Delft: now publishers,
  3. [2021] "Model-based Continuous Deployment of SIS"
    Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Phu Nguyen, Franck Chauvel
    Book Chapter in Nicolas Ferry (ed.), Hui Song (ed.), Andreas Metzger (ed.), Erkuden Rios (ed.), "DevOps for Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems", Boston-Delft: now publishers,
  4. [2020] "Making the Internet of Things More Reliable Thanks to Dynamic Access Control"
    Anne Gallon, Erkuden Rios, Eider Iturbe, Hui Song, Nicolas Ferry
    Book Chapter in Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions, IOS Press.
  5. [2018] "IoT European Security and Privacy Projects: Integration, Architecture, and Interoperability"
    Enrico Ferrera, Claudio Pastrone, Paul-Emmanuel Brun, Remi De Besombes, Konstantinos Loupos, Gerasimos Kouloumpis, Panayiotis Katsoulakos, Bill Karakostas, Antonis Mygiakis, Christina Stratigaki, Bora Caglayan, Basile Starynkevitch, Christos Skoufis, Stelios Christofi, Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Arnor Solberg, Peter Matthews, Antonio Skarmeta, José Santa, Michail J.Beliatis, Mirko A. Presser, Josiane X.Parreira, Juan A. Marinez, Payam Barnaghi, Ralf Tonjes, Martin Strohbach, Alessandro Sforzin, Hien Truong, John Soldatos, Sofoklis Efremidis, Georgios Koutalieris, Panagiutos Gouvas, Juergen Neises, George Spanoudakis, Danilo Pau, Erol Gelenbe, Slawomir Nowak, Mateusz Nowak, Tadeusz Czachorski, Joana Domanska, Anastasis Drosou, Dimitrios Tzovaraz, Tommu Elo, Santeri Paavolainen, Dimitrij Lagutin, Helen C.Leliglou, Panagiotis Trakadas, and George C.Polyzos
    Book Chapter in Next Generation Internet of Things: Distributed Intelligence at the Edge and Human Machine-to-Machine Cooperation, River Publishers Series in Communications
  6. [2016] "The MODAClouds Model-Driven Development"
    Nicolas Ferry, Marcos Almeida, Arnor Solberg.
    in the MODAClouds Book, Chapter 3, pages 21-30, Springer
  7. [2016] "Models@Runtime for Continuous Design and Deployment"
    Nicolas Ferry, Arnor Solberg.
    in the MODAClouds Book, Chapter 9, pages 77 - 93, Springer, 2016.
  8. [2016] "Cloud Patterns"
    Teodor-Florin Fortis, Nicolas Ferry
    in the MODAClouds book, Chapter 11, pages 105-110, Springer, 2016.
  9. [2013] "Middleware in Ubiquitous Computing"
    Vincent Hourdin, Nicolas Ferry, Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey.
    in Computer Science and Ambient Intelligence, chapter 5, pages 71-88, 2013
  10. [2013] "WComp, Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing and System Focused Adaptation"
    Nicolas Ferry, Vincent Hourdin, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Jean-Yves Tigli.
    in Computer Science and Ambient Intelligence, chapter 6, pages 89-120, 2013
  11. [2011] "WComp, a Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing"
    Nicolas Ferry, Vincent Hourdin, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Michel Riveill, Jean-Yves Tigli.
    in Ubiquitous Computing, chapter 8, pages 151--176, InTech, feb 2011 978-953-307-409-2[web]

International Journals

  1. [2024] "Advances in Secure IoT Data Sharing"
    Phu Hong Nguyen, Arda Goknil, Gencer Erdogan, Shukun Tokas, Nicolas Ferry, Thanh Thao Thi Tran
    . Found. Trends Priv. Secur. 7(1): 1-73 (2024)
  2. [2022] "Model-Based Fleet Deployment in the IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum"
    Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Nicolas Ferry, Arnor Solberg, Franck Fleurey
    in Software and Systems Modeling, (SoSyM), Springer Verlag, 2022 (SJR: Q2)
  3. [2022] "A Decade of Research on Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security"
    Tanusan Rajmohan; Phu Hong Nguyen; Nicolas Ferry
    in Cybersecurity Journal, Springer, 2022 (SJR: Q2)
  4. [2020] "Continuous Deployment of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems"
    Nicolas Ferry, Phu Nguyen, Hui Song, Erkuden Rios, Eider Iturbe, Angel Rego Fernandez, Satur Martinez
    in Journal of Object Technology (JOT), special issue for ECMFA, AITO, 2020 (SJR: Q3)
  5. [2019] "A cloud-based framework for shop floor big data management and elastic computing analytics."
    Germán Terrazas, Nicolas Ferry, Svetan M. Ratchev
    in Computers in Industry, Elsevier, 2019 (SJR: Q1)
  6. [2018] "A Systematic Review of Cloud Modeling Languages"
    Alexander Bergmayr, Uwe Breitenbucher, Nicolas Ferry, Alessandro Rossini, Arnor Solberg, Manuel Wimmer, Gerti Kappel, Franck Leymann
    in ACM Computing Surveys, ACM, 2018 (SJR: Q1).
  7. [2018] "CloudMF: Model-Driven Management of Multi-Cloud Applications"
    Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Hui Song, Alessandro Rossini, Maksym Lushpenko, Arnor Solberg
    in ACM Transaction on Internet Technologies (TOIT), special issue on Emerging Software Technologies for Internet-Based Systems: Internetware and DevOps, ACM, 2018 (SJR: Q2).
  8. [2015] "Evaluating Robustness Of Cloud-based Systems"
    Franck Chauvel, Hui Song, Nicolas Ferry, Franck Fleurey
    Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, Springer, 2015, doi:10.1186/s13677-015-0043-7 (SJR: Q2)
  9. [2012] "Low Response Time Context-Awareness through Extensible Parameter Adaptation with ORCA"
    Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte,Gaëtan Rey, Vincent Hourdin, Nicolas Ferry, Christophe Vergoni, Michel Riveill.
    Special Issue on Ubiquitous Networked Robots of Journal Annals of Telecommunications (AoT), springer, 2012 (SRJ: Q2)
  10. [2012] "Aspects of Assembly: from Theory to Performance"
    Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Nicolas Ferry, Vincent Hourdin, Sana Fathallah, Christophe Vergoni, Michel Riveill.
    in Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (TAOSD), vol. 7271, Springer, 2012 ISSN 1864-3027
  11. [2011] "Aspects of Assembly and Cascaded Aspects of Assembly : Logical and Temporal Properties"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Gaëtan Rey, Michel Riveill.
    in International Journal of Computer Sciences Issues (IJCSI). Vol. 8. Issue 4. pages 1-15, August 2011 (acceptance rate = 29.7%).[web]

International Conferences

  1. [2023] "Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing continuum: a Systematic Mapping Study"
    Barbara da Silva Oliveira, Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Ankica Barisic, and Atslands Rego da Rocha
    in the proceedings of the International conference on Internet of Things, Big data, and Security (IoTBDS), Scitepress, April, 2023
  2. [2020] "Model-Based Automatic Fleet Deployment of Edge Computing Applications"
    Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Nicolas Ferry, Arnor Solberg and Franck Fleurey
    in the proceedings of the IEEE/ACM MODELS conference, 2020 (core A) (BEST PAPER AWARD, P&I Track)
  3. [2020] "A Feasibility Study of an Agile and Data-Centric Method for Prototyping Services Based on Open Transport Data"
    Ferry Nicolas, Omerovic Aida, Natvig Marit Kjøsnes
    CLOSER 2019, invited extended version, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2020
  4. [2020] "Research Landscape of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security: A Systematic Review"
    Tanusan Rajmohan, Phu H. Nguyen, and Nicolas Ferry
    46th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications 2020 (SEAA), IEEE, August, 2020
  5. [2020] "A Systematic Mapping of Patterns and Architectures for IoT Security"
    Tanusan Rajmohan, Phu H. Nguyen, and Nicolas Ferry
    in the proceedings of the International conference on Internet of Things, Big data, and Security (IoTBDS), Scitepress, May, 2020
  6. [2019] "Model-based, Platform-independent Logging for Heterogeneous Targets"
    Brice Morin, Nicolas Ferry
    in the proceedings of the IEEE/ACM MODELS conference, Munich, Germany, September 15-20, 2019 (core A)
  7. [2019] "GeneSIS: Continuous Orchestration and Deployment of Smart IoT Systems"
    Nicolas Ferry, Phu H. Nguyen, Hui Song, Pierre-Emmanuel Novac, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Arnor Solberg
    Short paper in the proceedings of the IEEE COMPSAC conference, Milwaukee, USA, July 15-19, 2019 (core B)
  8. [2019] "A Systematic Mapping Study of Deployment and Orchestration Approaches for IoT"
    Phu H. Nguyen, Nicolas Ferry, Gencer Erdogan, Hui Song, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Arnor Solberg
    in the proceedings of the International conference on Internet of Things, Big data, and Security (IoTBDS), Heraklion, Greece, May 2-4, 2019 (acceptance rate: 25%)
  9. [2019] "Towards Early Prototyping of Services Based on Open Transport Data - a Feasibility Study"
    Nicolas Ferry, Aida Omerovic, Marit Natvig
    in the proceedings of the 9th International conference on Cloud Computing and Service Science (CLOSER), Heraklion, Greece, May 2-4, 2019
  10. [2019] "Advances in deployment and orchestration approaches for IoT - A systematic review"
    Phu H. Nguyen, Nicolas Ferry Gencer Erdogan, Hui Song, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Arnor Solberg
    in the proceedings of the IEEE International Congress On Internet of Things (ICIOT), Milan, Italy, July 8-13, 2019 (acceptance rate: 36%)
  11. [2019] "The preliminary results of a mapping study of deployment and orchestration for IoT"
    Phu H. Nguyen, Nicolas Ferry Gencer Erdogan, Hui Song, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Arnor Solberg
    in the Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2019) (POSTER), April 8-12, 2019
  12. [2018] "Multi-Layered Adaptation for the Failure Prevention and Recovery in Cloud Service Brokerage Platforms"
    Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Brice Morin
    in the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, IEEE, Coimbra, September 2018 (acceptance rate: 38%, core C)
  13. [2017] "Towards a Big Data Platform for Managing Machine Generated Data in the Cloud"
    Nicolas Ferry, German Terrazas, Per Kalweit, Arnor Solberg, Svetan Ratchev, Dirk Weinelt
    in the 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), IEEE, Emden, Germany, July 2017.
  14. [2017] "Towards Meta-Adaptation of Dynamic Adaptive Systems with Models@Runtime"
    Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Franck Chauvel, Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of MODELSWARD 2017, SCITEPRESS, Porto, Portugal, February 2017 (acceptance rate: 27%)
  15. [2017] "Model-Driven Engineering for the Configuration and Deployment of Data Processing Applications"
    Hui Song, Nicolas Ferry, Jakog Hogenes, Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of MODELSWARD 2017, SCITEPRESS, Porto, Portugal, February 2017 (acceptance rate: 27%)
  16. [2016] "Constellation: a Multi-Cloud Appliaction Designed with the MODAClouds Integrated Modelling Environment"
    Marcos Aurélio Almeida da Silva, Danilo Ardagna, Nicolas Ferry, Juan F. Perez
    in the 27th international conference on Software & System Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA), Paris, France, May 26th 2016 (core C)
  17. [2015] "CONSOLAS: A Model-Based Tool for Automatic Configuration and Deployment of Cloud Applications"
    Hui Song, Franck Chauvel, Franck Fleurey, Nicolas Ferry, Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), DEMO Track, ACM/IEEE, Ottawa, Canada, September 30 - Oct 2 2015 (acceptance rate: 70%, core B)
  18. [2015] "Towards Feature-driven Goal Fulfillment Analysis -- A Feasibility Study Paper"
    Avjot Garcha Singh, Aida Omerovic, Franck Chauvel and Nicolas Ferry
    in proceedings of MODELSWARD 2015, SCITEPRESS, Angers, France, 9-12 February, 2015 (acceptance rate full paper: 28%)
  19. [2014] "CloudMF: Applying MDE to Tame the Complexity of Managing Multi-Cloud Applications"
    Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Alessandro Rossini, Franck Chauvel and Arnor Solberg
    in the proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), London, December, 2014 (acceptance rate: 19%)
  20. [2014] "Robustness Indicators for Cloud-based Systems' Topologies"
    Franck Chauvel, Hui Song, Nicolas Ferry, Franck Fleurey
    in the proceedings of the 7th IEEE/ACM International conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), London, December, 2014 (acceptance rate: 19%)
  21. [2014] "Modelling Adaptation Policies as Domain-Specific Constraints"
    Hui Song, Xiaodong Zhang, Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Arnor Solberg, Gang Huang
    in proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, ACM/IEEE, Valencia, Spain, September 28 - October 3, 2014 (acceptance rate: 24%, core A)
  22. [2014] "Towards Bridging the Gap Between Scalability and Elasticity"
    Nicolas Ferry, Gunnar Brataas, Alessandro Rossini, Franck Chauvel, Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Conputing and Services Science (CLOSER 2014), position paper, SCITEPRESS, Barcelona, Spain, April 2014 (acceptance rate: 17%)
  23. [2013] "Managing Multi-cloud Systems with CloudMF"
    Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Alessandro Rossini, Brice Morin, Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Symposium on Cloud Computing & Internet Technologies (NordiCloud 2013), ACM, Oslo, Norway, September 1-3 2013, (acceptance rate=47%)
  24. [2013] "Towards model-driven provisioning, deployment,monitoring, and adaptation of multi-cloud systems"
    Nicolas Ferry, Alessandro Rossini, Franck Chauvel, Brice Morin, Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of the 6th IEEE CLOUD 2013 international conference, application and industry track, IEEE, Santa Clara, USA, June 27-July 2 2013 (Acceptance rate: 25%, core B)
  25. [2010] "Toward a Behavioral Decomposition for Context-awareness and Continuity of Services"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Gaëtan Rey, Michel Riveill
    in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (ISAmI), Guimarâes, Portugal, 16-18 june 2010 (Acceptance Rate: 40 %)[PDF]
  26. [2009] "Context Adaptative Systems based on Horizontal Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Gaëtan Rey, Michel Riveill
    in Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (Mobility), ACM, Nice, France, 2-4 september 2009 (Acceptation Rate: 35 %)[PDF]

International Workshops

  1. [2024] "Towards Leveraging the Concept of Influence to Enhance Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems Development"
    Barbara da Silva de Oliveira, Nicolas Ferry, Julien Deantoni
    MPM4CPS'24 (co-located with MODELS), Linz, Austria
  2. [2024] "A Framework Towards Assessing the Resilience of Urban Transport Systems"
    Gérald Rocher, Jean-Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, and Nicolas Ferry
    STAM'24 (co-located with ARES), Vienna, Austria
  3. [2023] "Towards Smarter Security Orchestration and Automatic Response for CPS and IoT"
    Phu Nguyen, Rustem Dautov, Hui Song, Angel Rego, Eider Iturbe, Erkuden Rios, Diego Sagasti, Gonzalo Nicolas, Valeria Valdés, Wissam Mallouli, Ana Cavalli and Nicolas Ferry
    SCC'23 (co-located with CloudCom), Naples, Italy
  4. [2023] "The DYNABIC approach to resilience of critical infrastructures"
    Erkuden Rios, Eider Iturbe, Angel Rego, Nicolas Ferry, Jean Yves Tigli, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gérald Rocher, Phu Nguyen, Hui Song, Rustem Dautov, Ana Rosa Cavalli, Wissam Mallouli
    STAM'23 (co-located with ARES), Benevento, Italy
  5. [2022] "Towards a Model-Based Serverless Platform for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum"
    Nicolas Ferry,Rustem Dautov, Hui Song
    Cloud2Thing'22 (co-located with CCGRID), Taormina, Italy
  6. [2021] "Towards a Sustainable IoT with Last-Mile Software Deployment"
    Rustem Dautov, Hui Song, Nicolas Ferry
    MOCS'21, Athens, Greece.
  7. [2020] "A Light-Weight Approach to Software Assignment at the Edge"
    Rustem Dautov, Hui Song, Nicolas Ferry
    CloudAM'20, Leiceister, UK.
  8. [2020] "Development and Operation of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems: The ENACT Framework"
    Nicolas Ferry, Jacek Dominiak, Anne Gallon, Elena Gonzales, Eider Iturbe, Stéphane Lavirotte, Saturnino Martinez, Andreas Metzger, Victor Muntés-Mulero, Phu H. Nguyen, Alexander Palm, Angel Rego, Erkuden Rios, Diego Riviera, Arnor Solberg, Hui Song, Jean-Yves Tigli and Thierry Winter
    DevOps'19, Vuillebrumier, France.
  9. [2019] "Towards Model-Based Continuous Deployment of Secure IoT Systems"
    Nicolas Ferry,Phu H. Nguyen
    in the proceedings of the DevOps@MODELS International Workshop, IEEE, Munich, Germany, September 2019
  10. [2018] "ENACT: Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems"
    Nicolas Ferry, Arnor Solberg, Hui Song, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Thierry Winter, Victor Muntés-Mulero, Andreas Metzger, Erkuden Rios Velasco and Amaia Castelruiz Aguirre
    in the proceedings of the DevOps'18 International Workshop, Springer LNCS, Toulouse, France, March 2018
  11. [2015] "Using Adaptation Plans to Control the Behavior of Models@runtime"
    Maksym Lushpenko, Nicolas Ferry, Hui Song, Franck Chauvel and Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of the 10th models@run.time workshop colocated with MODELS 2015, Ottawa, Canada, September 29th 2015
  12. [2015] "The Evolution of CloudML and its Applications"
    Alexander Bergmayr, Alessandro Rossini, Nicolas Ferry, Geir Horn, Leire Orue-Echevarria, Arnor Solberg and Manuel Wimmer
    in proceedings of the 3rd CloudMDE workshop colocated with MODELS 2015, Ottawa, Canada, September 29th 2015
  13. [2015] "Continuous Deployment of Multi-cloud Systems"
    Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Hui Song, Arnor Solberg
    in proceeding of the First international workshop on quality-aware DevOps (QUDOS 2015) colocated with ESEC/FSE 2015, ACM, Bergamo, Italy, 1 September
  14. [2014] "Analyzing Impacts of Adaptations on Cost, Risk, and Quality -- An Experience Report"
    Avjot Garcha Singh, Aida Omerovic, Franck Chauvel and Nicolas Ferry
    in proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM2014) colocated with Middleware 2014, ACM, Bordeaux, France, December 2014
  15. [2014] "Using Models at Runtime to Support Adaptable Monitoring of Multi-Clouds Applications"
    Lorenzo Cianciaruso, Francesco di Forenza, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Nicolas Ferry, Marco Miglierina and Arnor Solberg
    in proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Management of resources and services in Cloud and Sky computing (MICAS) collocated with SYNASC 2014, Timisoara, Romania, 22 September 2014
  16. [2013] "Supporting the Development and Operation of Multi-Cloud Applications: The MODAClouds Approach"
    Elisabetta di nitto, Marcos Almeida, Danilo Ardagna, Giuliano Casale, Ciprian Dorin Craciun, Nicolas Ferry, Victor Muntes, Arnor Solberg
    in the 2nd International Workshop on Management of resources and services in Cloud and Sky computing (MICAS) collocated at SYNASC 2013, Timisoara, Romania, 23 Septembre 2013.
  17. [2013] "From Sensors to Visualization Dashboards: Challenges in Languages Composition"
    Sébastien Mosser, Ivan Logre, Nicolas Ferry, Philippe Collet
    in Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages at Models 2013, GEMOC, Miami, Floride, USA, 29 September 2013
  18. [2013] "Models@Runtime to Support the Iterative and Continuous Design of Autonomic Reasoners"
    Franck Chauvel, Nicolas Ferry, Brice Morin, Alessandro Rossini, Arnor Solberg
    in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop Models@run.time at Models 2013, MRT'13, Miami, Floride, USA, 29 September 2013 (Long paper acceptance rate: 35%)
  19. [2010] "Multi-dynamics adaptations using Cascaded Aspect of Assembly"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Gaëtan Rey, Michel Riveill
    in Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM'2010), ACM, Bangalore, India, 29 nov - 3 dec 2010
  20. [2009] "Models at Runtime: Service for Device Composition and Adaptation"
    Nicolas Ferry, Vincent Hourdin, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Jean-Yves Tigli, Michel Riveill
    in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop Models@run.time at Models 2009 (MRT'09), Denver, Colorado, USA, 5 october 2009 (Acceptation Rate: 32 %)[PDF]

National Book Chapters

  1. [2012] "Adaptation des applications à l'exécution selon le contexte"
    Nicolas Ferry, Christophe Vergoni, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Jean-Yves Tigli.
    in L'adaptation dans tous ses états chapter 4, pages 127-160, 2012
  2. [2012] "Intergiciels pour l'informatique ambiante"
    Vincent Hourdin, Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Jean-Yves Tigli
    Ecole thématique Intelligence Ambiante (ETIA), chapitre 5.
  3. [2012] "WComp, Intergiciel pour l'Informatique Ambiante et Adaptation centrée Système"
    Nicolas Ferry, Vincent Hourdin, Stéphane Lavirotte, Gaëtan Rey, Jean-Yves Tigli
    Ecole thématique Intelligence Ambiante (ETIA), chapitre 6.

National Conferences

  1. [2012] "Cascaded Aspects of Assembly for Ubiquitous Computing"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Jean-Yves Tigli, Gaëtan Rey, Michel Riveill
    in Proceedings of th 6th International Conference SETIT'11, ieee, Sousse, Tunisia, 12 march - 15 march 2012 (acceptation rate : 36 %)

PhD Thesis

  1. [2011] "Adaptation dynamique au contexte en informatique ambiante : propriété logiques et temporelles"
    Nicolas Ferry
    Thése de doctorat, université de Nice, décembre 2011

Miscellaneous Conferences

  1. [2010] "Cascaded Aspect of Assembly: pour l'Adaptation Logicielle Dynamique aux Contextes et Utilisateurs"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte et Eric Pascual
    in Journée des Doctorants, CSTB, 10 novembre 2010.
  2. [2009] "Adaptations Logicielles Dynamiques aux Contextes et Utilisateurs"
    Nicolas Ferry, Stéphane Lavirotte, Eric Pascual.
    in Journée des Doctorants, CSTB, 21 september 2009.


  • [2015] "Big Data Processing and Apps for Citizens' Observatories - The CITI-SENSE Approach"
    Arne J. Berre, Mirjam Fredriksen, Richard Rombouts, Hai-Ying Liu, Nicolas Ferry
    geospatial world forum, May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal


  • [AndroidWComp] "Android WComp"
    Stéphane Lavirotte, Nicolas Ferry, Jean-Yves Tigli, Michel Riveill.
    June 2012 IDDN.FR.001.260019.000.S.C.2012.000.10600
  • [CloudML] The Cloud Modelling Framework
    Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Brice Morin et Hui Song sommes les principaux developeurs de CloudML qui est accessible sur GitHub
  • [SensApp] Sensor data storage
    Sébastien Mosser, Brice Morin, Franck Fleurey, et moi sommes les principaux contributeurs de la plateforme SensApp qui est accessible sur GitHub
  • [GeneSIS] Generation and Deployment of Smart IoT Systems
    Nicolas Ferry, Franck Chauvel, Brice Morin sommes les principaux contributeurs de GeneSIS qui est accessible sur GitLab


Ongoing Projects

  • Horizon Europe DYNABIC - 2022-2025
    Role: WP7 leader, contribute WP4 (T4.3) and WP5 (T5.2).

Past Projects

  • PHC Aurora TrustFleet - Jan 2022- Jan 2024
    Role: Project leader.
  • H2020 ENACT - 2018-2021
    Role: Technical manager et WP2 leader.
  • Norwegian Research Council FLEET - 2020-2024
    Role: Technical manager
  • H2020 FoF MC-Suite - 2015-2018
    Role: WP5 et T5.2 leader
  • PHC Aurora DynAdapt - 2016
    Role: Project leader.
  • EU FP7 CITI-SENSE - 2013-2016
    Role: responsible for the SensApp platform.
  • EU FP7 PaaSage - 2012-2016
  • EU FP7 MODAClouds - 2012-2015
    Role: WP4 leader.
  • EU FP7 REMICS - 2012-2013
  • PHC Aurora IDOL - 2012-2013
    Role: Project Manager (Norwegian side)
  • Projet ANR Continuum - 2009-2011
  • Projet RNTL Faros - 2009
  • Action ADAPT (GDR ASR) - 2008-2010
    Participations aux journées ADAPT.


Formations suivies:
Project Management 2014 (SINTEF school), Summer school ICAR 2009

Membre des comités de programme :
UIC'12, 13, 14, SEACLOUD 2014 (colocated with ESOCC), HotTopiCS 2014 (colocated with ICPE 2014), SeaWAVE 2015 (colocated with ESOCC), Inforsid 2016, CloudWays 2017 (colocated with ESOCC), CloudWays 2018, WISP 2019 (colocated with GIOTS'2019), ICSOFT 2019 - 2020, ESOCC 2020, SEAA 20, 21, 1stSwForumWs'21, DevOps@MODELS'19'20'21'22, STAM'23, SCC'23, ANNSIM 2024, STAM'24, IFIP IoT'24, ANNSIM'25

Reviewer pour les conférences et journaux internationaux :
WWW'12 (Poster), COMPSAC 2013, MODELS 2013, IEEE Transaction on Cloud Computing (2015), PeerJ 2016, JNCA 2016, ACM TOIT 2017, SOSYM 2018, JSME 2019, JSS 2020, JSS 2021, SOSYM 2021, IET Software 2022, SOSYM 2023

Tutoriaux :

  • [MODELS 2018] Franck Fleurey, Brice Morin, Jakob Høgenes and Nicolas Ferry, ThingML: Model-Driven Software Engineering for Heterogeneous and Distributed Reactive Systems
  • [UCC 2014] Danilo Ardagna, Giuliano Casale, Nicolas Ferry, Model-Driven Management of Multi-Cloud Applications.
  • [MICAS 2014] Danilo Ardagna, Marcos Almeida, Nicolas Ferry, Juan Perez, Model-Driven Design of Cloud Applications with Quality-of-Service Guarantees: The MODAClouds Approach, MICAS Tutorial
  • [ASE 2014] Danilo Ardagna, Marcos Almeida, Nicolas Ferry, Juan Perez, Model Driven Design of Cloud Applications with a priori Quality of Service Guarantees

Session chair :
ACM NordiCloud 2013
MDE4IoT'20 workshop@STAF
MESS'21 workshop@STAF

Panels :
[2019 - 2021] Member of the advisory board of the SODALITE H2020 project.
[2018] "DevOps: Issues and perspectives panel", DEVOPS 18 workshop on software engineering aspects of continuous development and new paradigms of software production and deployment

Posters :
[2024] DYNABIC: Dynamic Business Continuity and Response of Critical Systems against advanced cyber-physical threats, ETSI Security Conference.
[2019] ENACT, DevOps for IoT Systems, ETSI Security Week

Organisation de conférence, workshops et événements :

  • [2025] Organization of the DYNABIC Hackathon
  • [2025] Organization of the Second DYNABIC Day
  • [2024] Workshop chair at the IFIP IoT Conference 2024.
  • [2024] Member of the organization committee of the 1st International Workshop GRAAL4IoT, co-located with IFIP IoT Conference.
  • [2024] Member of the organization and steering committee of the 4th International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MESS).
  • [2023] Organization chair of the 3nd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MESS).
  • [2022] Organization chair of the 2nd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MESS).
  • [2021] Editor of the ENACT book: DevOps for Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems.
  • [2021] Editor special issue, MDE4IoT special issue of SoSyM.
  • [2021] Editor special issue, Smart IoT Systems special issue of MDPI Information.
  • [2021] Organization chair of the 1st International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems (MESS).
  • [2020] Second ENACT industry day.
  • [2020] First ENACT Hackathon.
  • [2020] Organization chair of the 4th International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IoT)
  • [2019] Organization chair of the 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IoT)
  • [2018] Organization chair of the 2nd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IoT)
  • [2009] ACM Mobility

Invited Speaker:

  • Keynote speaker at the SCC 2023 workshop, "Toward the deployment of Secure IoT Systems over the Cloud Continuum", December 2023.
  • "ENACT: DevOps for trustworthy IoT systems." journée pôle SCS, Toulon, 2022
  • "Supporting the Development and Operation of IoT systems with the ENACT Framework" in the Third International CHARIOT workshop, October, 2020
  • Internet of Things Technologies for Smart Mobility and Logistics workshop at at IoT Week, June, 2020
  • Keynote speaker at "Supporting DevOps of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems" in DevOps: the Future of Software Development for IoT Systems at IoT Week, June, 2019
  • "ENACT: Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems" in Actuation conflict in ioT, CNRS seminar, November, 2018
  • "ENACT: Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems" in the first International CHARIOT workshop, October, 2018
  • "Cloud-Based Big Data Management" in Big Data meets Cloud, SINTEF seminar, October 2015
  • "The MODAClouds project", Interoperability Demo Days and Cloud Plugfest co-organised by CloudWATCH, December 2014

Jury de thèse :

  • [2024] Rapporteur pour la thèse de :
    Shivananda Rangappa Poojara: "Design and Orchestration of Scalable, Event-Driven Serverless Data Pipelines for Internet of Things (IoT) Applications", University of Tartu, Estonia

Formations données :
Journées formations WComp (à 2 occasions)
Formation Cloud Computing lors de la journée dirigeant SINTEF.

Bourses, Prix, Reconnaissance :

  • [2015] Microsoft Azure Grant
  • [2016] AWS Grant 2016
  • [2020] Best paper award MODELS'2020 (P&I Track)
  • [2022] GeneSIS is recognized by the EC innovation radar as highly innovant with maturity level Market ready